
One of the myths that characterizes the figure of the artist is that of the solitary genius. For me working with others is very important to find inspiration, comparison, support and even comfort. It can inspire us with new ideas, we can have someone constructively criticize us during the creation of a work, we can receive support during times of difficulty and discouragement.

The dark side of earth

'According to the myth of the solitary genius, creativity is an antisocial gesture, which only a few great figures can perform: mostly men of the past, with names like Mozart, Einstein or Picasso. To all the others, all that remains is to marvel at their triumphs. In reality this is not the case, if we look more closely at history, we discover that many of the great artists of the past were part of a vast scene of people who supported each other, observing each other's work, copying one from the other. 'other, stealing and offering ideas.'

Austin Kleon


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